“RDX: Robert Dony Xavier” (also known as RDX) is a riveting 2023 Indian Malayalam-language action thriller film directed by Nahas Hidayath in his directorial debut, and produced by Sophia Paul under Weekend Blockbusters. The film stars Shane Nigam, Antony Varghese, and Neeraj Madhav in the titular roles, with Babu Antony, Lal, Mahima Nambiar, Aima Rosmy Sebastian, Maala Parvathi, and Baiju in supporting roles. “RDX” follows the story of Robert, Dony, and Xavier as they embark on a quest for vengeance against Paulson and his gang, who have inflicted harm upon their family. With its intense plot, stellar cast performances, and adrenaline-pumping action sequences, “RDX: Robert Dony Xavier” promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish.
Nahas Hidayath
Adarsh Sukumaran, Shabas Rasheed (dialogues only)
Nahas Hidayath
Sophia Paul
Alex J. Pulickal
Chaman Chakko
Music Composer
Sam C. S.