“Padmini” is a captivating 2023 Indian Malayalam-language comedy drama film directed by Senna Hegde and written by Deepu Pradeep. Starring Kunchacko Boban, Aparna Balamurali, Madonna Sebastian, and Vincy Aloshious in prominent roles, the film delves into the life of Rameshan, whose world is turned upside down by an unexpected incident on his wedding night. The film, announced in November 2021, commenced principal photography in January 2023 in Palakkad and completed filming in February 2023. With a soulful musical score by Jakes Bejoy, and masterful cinematography and editing by Sreeraj Raveendran and Manu Antony respectively.

Senna Hegde

Deepu Pradeep

Suvin K Varkey, Prasobh Krishna

Sreeraj Raveendran

Manu Antony

Music Composer
Jakes Bejoy