“Romancham” is a thrilling 2023 Indian Malayalam-language comedy horror film, marking director Jithu Madhavan’s debut and produced by Johnpaul George, Girish Gangadharan, and Joby George under the banners of Guppy Films and Johnpaul George Productions. The story unfolds in Bangalore, centering on seven unmarried men who delve into the supernatural realm by using an Ouija board, setting off a chain of eerie and spine-chilling events. With a stellar cast including Soubin Shahir, Arjun Ashokan, Sajin Gopu, Siju Sunny, Abin Bino, Anantharaman Ajay, and Afsal P.H., “Romancham” promises a mix of comedy, horror, and suspense. The film’s music by Sushin Shyam, along with Sanu Thahir’s cinematography and Kiran Das’s editing, enhances the gripping narrative, ensuring audiences experience a rollercoaster ride of emotions and thrills.
Jithu Madhavan
Jithu Madhavan
Johnpaul George, Girish Gangadharan, Joby George
Sanu Thahir
Kiran Das
Music Composer
Sushin Shyam