“1744 White Alto” is a 2022 Indian Malayalam-language comedy crime drama film written and directed by Senna Hegde. The story follows Vijayan, a down-on-his-luck individual who unwittingly becomes embroiled in a case of mistaken identity when his car is swapped with that of two bumbling small-time crooks. As the local police, led by Mahesh and his team, pursue them, a hilarious and thrilling cat-and-mouse chase unfolds, filled with twists, turns, and comedic escapades. Starring Sharafudheen, Rajesh Madhavan, and Vincy Aloshious in the lead roles, “1744 White Alto” promises a rollercoaster ride of laughter, suspense, and unexpected encounters.
Senna Hegde
Senna Hegde
Senna Hegde, Sreeraj Raveendran
Mrinal Mukundan, Sreejith Nair, Vinod Divakar
Sreeraj Raveendran